JJ’s Family Dairy

JJ’s Family Dairy, located on the west of Petaluma in Marin County, is owned by Jayson Spaletta who runs the dairy farm with the support of his brother Jeremy. The 737-acre farm was renovated by Jayson and his family, enabling JJ’s Family Dairy to become a certified organic milk supplier for Straus Family Creamery in August 2019.

The farm is home to 200 Jersey, Holstein, and cross-breed milking cows. Smaller than Holstein cows, Jersey cows produce milk that is richer in flavor and higher in butterfat, proteins, and milk solids.

Raised on their parents’ dairy farm, the Spaletta brothers and their sister Samantha were an integral part of the family business from a young age, learning sustainable farming practices from their father as teenagers. Their parent’s farm was certified organic in 2013. Today, Jeremy and Samantha lead the day-to-day management of their families’ “Spaletta Home Ranch” while supporting their younger brother Jayson in his new endeavor.

Jayson, Jeremy, and Samantha are fifth-generation dairy farmers. Their great-great-grandparents, Domenico and Teresa Grossi, emigrated to Marin County from Switzerland in the 1890s, starting the legacy of the Grossi and Spaletta families, cornerstones of the region’s dairy community to this day. Cypress Lane Ranch, a family farm certified organic milk supplier for Straus Family Creamery since 2015, is run by Tony Spaletta, a cousin of the Spaletta family.

“Straus Family Creamery is enabling me to continue my passion of working in the dairy farming business,” says Jayson. “The support of my family at every stage of this journey has made it a true family farming experience.”

Jayson graduated from Petaluma High School in 2015. He participated in Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4-H during his upbringing on the farm. Jayson’s perseverance and dedication in this new farming venture have pushed him through many unforeseen new business start-up challenges. He often relies on members of his family for guidance.

Jayson likes practicing sustainable farming to help preserve the environment and ensure animal welfare in his local farming community.

JJ’s Family Dairy Facts

The year JJ's Family Dairy joined as a family farm certified organic milk supplier.

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