Brandon Guerrero

Safety Manager, People & Culture Partner

How long have you been at Straus? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en Straus?
I’ve been with Straus Family Creamery for more than seven years.

How did you get here? What did you do before? ¿Cómo llegaste hasta aquí? ¿Qué hacías antes?
Prior to joining Straus Family Creamery, I worked in Human Resources Management for another Sonoma County food manufacturer for nearly 10 years. In that role, I gained valuable experience in people and safety management. When I found out through a friend in my network that Straus was looking to fill a position in Safety and People & Culture management, I jumped at the opportunity.

What is your favorite Straus product? ¿Cuál es tu producto favorito de Straus?
All the products are great, but the organic ice cream is my favorite. It’s hard to choose one because they’re all so good, but my favorites are Cookies & Cream, Coffee, and Strawberry.

What do you like about working at Straus? ¿Qué es lo te gusta de trabajar en Straus?
I like the company culture and working with good people at all levels of the organization. I believe in the company's mission, and I’ve always felt that my contributions to the success of the organization are really valued.

What do you do in your free time? ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
I love to spend time with my family. I’m also a big sports fan and support all the Bay Area teams! I really enjoy going to live sporting events and spending time outdoors too.

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