Laurangelica “Angel” Lechón

People & Culture Director

How long have you been at Straus? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en Straus?
More than 11 years.

How did you get here? What did you do before? ¿Cómo llegaste hasta aquí? ¿Qué hacías antes?

By chance. I was a student in my last semester at Sonoma State doing research work for a professor in the languages department. He left an email printout on my workstation from a recruiter regarding an open position with a “wonderful, local, organic dairy” looking for a bilingual “People & Culture Partner”.  I loved, loved, loved the sound of that title and the description of the job. Since I already owned four pairs of cowboy boots, I figured, what the heck, I should see about this dairy opportunity. The rest is her-story.

What is your favorite Straus product? ¿Cuál es tu producto favorito de Straus?

Hmmmm… my favorite? The butter. I bring a stick with me when I go out for breakfast, you know, in case someone uses other butter. Everything is better with Straus butter. Everything. Seriously.

What do you like about working at Straus? ¿Qué es lo te gusta de trabajar en Straus?

Our mission and the fact that we truly stand by it — it isn’t just lip service to anyone here. I love that our triple-bottom line includes a commitment to our employees. I love that  Straus embraces diversity and that my own cultural duality is so sincerely appreciated. I love that I am able to come to work every day and have the opportunity to help any member of our team — be it for work issues like benefits or payroll, or be it for matters outside of work such as getting housing info, resources or information to apply for college and financial aid. I love that our organization is so awesome — every day I am terribly proud to be part of it.

What do you do in your free time? ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
Enjoy my two kids. And hike. I’ve been doing that for a year now and I love it. Recently I did a 25-mile hike. I enjoy gardening too. This year I am actually growing my own non-GMO, organic vegetables for the first time ever — tomatoes and beets. I got the hook-up for organic compost from Albert’s farm, which is totally cool.

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